A massive one

brownies34  //  DOB: June 26, 2013  //  my.secondlife.com/brownies34

aka ironmen

A typical ugly noob tosser with “always run” on. Recently, he discovered how to stick a freebie cock to his ugly avatar.


Bonus photo: ironmen (brownies34) with his wanker friend HE MAN (superman1985) about to get busy.


Yet another one

hithem2  //  DOB: April 21, 2013  //  my.secondlife.com/hithem2

Second Life is fantastic when it comes to making fun of retarded wankers simply because it’s full of them! Today’s wanker-of-the-day is hithem2; you can tell by his name he’s one of them. This prick spends his time in a wanker-friendly sim called Sex, exhibiting his freebie erection.
